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About: The functions of yoga rollers
Yoga rollers are a popular tool for helping athletes release muscle knots or trigger points. Many people develop a love/hate relationship with their yoga roller. The process of rolling out knots can be quite uncomfortable, but working through the discomfort can help you increase your range of motion and decrease recovery time after a hard workout.

Yoga Roller Product Main Features:

Lightweight yet rugged solid core EVA massage roller with triple grid 3D massage zones mimics the finger, palm, and thumb of a therapist’s hands.
Medium density muscle roller is comfortable to use, making it easy even if for beginners, but still effective at penetrating the soft tissue layer of tired muscles. Soft enough to use while in pain from lower back injury, sciatica or plantar fasciitis.
One of the best recovery tools to treat muscle pain, increase performance and flexibility. Rolling before and after exercise is part of a great stretching routine. Increases blood flow to massage site, flushing away stored lactic acid.
Stretch overworked and strained muscles of the leg, arms, and feet by rolling during your warm up and cool downs. Provides instant benefit to the hamstring, IT band, glutes, and calves by delivering superior massages at home or in the gym.
Loved by runners, athletes, yoga and Pilates students, swimmers, physical or sports therapy patients, and those just doing a normal fitness workout. Great for the arch of the foot, and any part of the body but the spine or neck.
Just doing a normal fitness workout . Great for the arch of the foot , and any part of the superior body but the spine or neck .
Using a yoga roller can be uncomfortable so it’s better to be too gentle, rather than too intense, when you’re starting out learning how to use a roller. You can adjust your intensity as you learn how your body responds. Generally, you’re looking for that “it hurts so good” level of discomfort. Pushing past discomfort into real pain won’t speed up results, but it will risk injury.

Are Massage Pillows Good For You?
Are massage pillows good for you? Yes, massage pillows are good. The biggest benefits of massage pillows are that they improve your circulation. Massage pillows come in two forms, One type looks like a small pillow or pillow. The second type is one that you can fit on top of your chair, it usually has a seat and a back pillow (attached not separate). These devices try to mimic the finger and thumb pressure of a masseuse. pillow massagers often use nodes or rollers, which look like balls, that rotate in a circular motion to resemble a shiatsu massage. Some of the pillow massagers also roll up and down to resemble more of a Swedish-style massage. Again, these massagers aim to relieve stress, relieve pain, and improve blood flow. Followings are some features of it:

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